Candle Care

Please read the following guidelines to ensure your candle burns in the best condition possible!

  • Make sure your wick is trimmed between 1/8" - 1/4" before lighting your candle. If the wick is too long your candle may produce a little more smoke or will not stay lit!

  • For the first light, you may have to hold your lighter for several seconds until your candle lights.

  • The first burn of your candle should be lit for a minimum of 2-4 hours in order for the melt pool to reach the edge of the glass. Wax has a memory, and if not burned properly the first time, your candle will not burn past where it last melted. This can cause the candle to tunnel.

  • Before each burn, be sure to trim or snap the burnt pieces of wood along the top of the wick before lighting your candle.

  • If your candle has tunnelled, you can fix it by scooping out some of the wax along the edge of the glass. Be sure to scoop out enough to level the melt pool.

  • It is normal to have wax left over in the bottom of your candle. It is time to extinguish your candle when 1/2" of wax remains.

Sit, relax & enjoy your candle!